Michael Gubbins is an editor, journalist and consultant specialising in film and digital media. He is the former editor of leading international film trade titles Screen International and Screendaily.com. He has also written for titles including The Times, Time Out and The Guardian and is regularly featured as an expert on global broadcast media, including BBC, ABC, CNN, ITN, Sky and NBC. His 22 years as a journalist on daily newspapers and magazines, also includes the editorship of leading business technology title Computing. As a consultant, he has produced specialist reports focusing on digital change for organisations including UK Film Council, CineRegio, Europa Cinemas, and the Swedish Film Institute. Recent clients include BAFTA, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Swedish Film Institute, UK Film Export Group, UK Industry Trust and Europa Cinemas. He is a member of the advisory boards of Power To The Pixel and Met Film School and a director of the Screenwriters Festival. Michael has appeared at more than 60 events as chair and speaker in recent years and has also lectured students in marketing and film. This year he has spoken at Berlin, Cannes, Rotterdam, Edinburgh, Paris, Brussels, Warsaw and Athens. He is a previous winner of a prestigious Fuji Film Scholarship.